Thursday, September 10, 2009
I currently play in 2 bands, Swell band, and Zero thirty one.

Friday night (4th September) ZeroThirtyOne did our maiden gig at the Winston Pub. It was rocking!!! I got the flying V into a playable shape and used it on the night. Aside from being an odd shape that guitar plays amazingly well and I am proud to say I rocked out that night....

But it was short lived by an outside gig I did the next day. I plugged in my GT8 and found it was broken. The volume control had been pushed into the chassis and broke off the circuit board rendering it unusable. It is fixable but I will advise you all (anybody out there?) what happens
The wind was howling that day and I found it messed with the resonance of my guitar. Strangely enough it stopped my strings from vibrating as much as they normally do and I sounded terrible. I will have to experiment with this phenomenon and conquer it. Until then I'm afraid outside gigs are a bit much for me.

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Donovan Banks
Durban, KZN, South Africa
I am a musician who does anything and everything else. I write about what I do and how I do it. Enjoy and feel free to comment.
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