Monday, November 30, 2009
I know a few people battle with this so I put together this video on putting together rhythm arrangements for the BR600. I know the concept is the same for the Micro BR so knock yourself out.

The Song sheet can be found here...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I notice so many YouTube videos with sub standard audio. The audio on my videos aren't great, but if I were to use the camera audio as my main audio it would be terrible. As with everything you need to edit and clean things up a bit.

If I talk I use the camera audio. I will be getting a lapel microphone soon so that will be clearer as well but for now I just use the camera.

For the guitar I mainly run into my Boss GT8, then into a small mixing desk and into my Computer.

I use Samplitude 10 as my DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) and Magix Movie Edit Pro 15 as my video editing software.

recording the guitar separate gives me a great clean way to record without external noise influence such as the size of my room etc, so you hear the guitar clearly.

Take a look at my channel and see for yourself.
Yes it is....
Recently you may recall I was playing with a Boss Micro BR. I loved it however I was slightly put off by the lack of variety in the drum rhythm patterns.

I looked up the BR600 and it has a built in, velocity sensitive drum machine. I loved the idea and although I am not sued to fiddling around with a drum machine, it turns out to be easy enough if I have the manual handy.

It has a whole lot more rhythm presets to it than the Micro BR and even has more effects using COSM modelling for the guitar effects and a bass and acoustic simulator for the guitar. The bass simulator is a little slow for my liking so I'd rather use a bass guitar anyway.

It has 8 tracks available for recording and I figured I'd post a sample for you to hear.

I love the mastering toolkit and I plan on playing around with it a lot more. The only problem with this is now that I have used the Micro BR, and the BR600 I want the bigger Boss recorders... But for now I'll stick with what I have.

About Me

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Donovan Banks
Durban, KZN, South Africa
I am a musician who does anything and everything else. I write about what I do and how I do it. Enjoy and feel free to comment.
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